Thanks in advance for you to spend time to do HTT annually customer satisfaction survey, your sincerely feedback will be very helpful for us to know your expectations.
5=非常满意 4=满意 3=一般 2=不满意 1=非常不满意
Please tick the appropriate box to indicate your degree of satisfaction
5=very satisfied, 4=satisfied, 3=moderate, 2=dissatisfied, 1=very dissatisfied
Thanks in advance for you to spend time to do HTT annually customer satisfaction survey, your sincerely feedback will be very helpful for us to know your expectations.
5=非常满意 4=满意 3=一般 2=不满意 1=非常不满意
Please tick the appropriate box to indicate your degree of satisfaction
5=very satisfied, 4=satisfied, 3=moderate, 2=dissatisfied, 1=very dissatisfied